A Letter for You

From. Makoda
To. Saiko

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Hi sweetheart! How was your day? Is it going well? I hope so. It's been a long time since we first met. I miss you freakin' much, you know? Everyone knows how lucky and grateful I am to be able to string memories and happiness with you. I really want to repay all the kindness you have given me, but I can't do much. Especially the luxury ones. Therefore I have a small gift for you, maybe not much. But first, I want you to listen to this song. >___0

I hope you feel the same happiness that I feel. I also hope that we can do a cover of this song too! As soon as possible XD. Are you free this weekend? Lets meet up! If it yes, then let me know by replying to this letter. Lil spoiler: Theres something I want to talk about with you. I know right, you'll be super curious about it! Teehee, just let me know, ya?

Your dear friend,